The truth is in the numbers:
27001:2017 Compliant
Dedicated Support Engineers
Ophthalmic Equipment Integrations
In charge, not in control? Gain a single view of the truth and the ability to implement strategy and change across your business. Move away from homemade systems and customizations of products designed for other industries to a professionally engineered product designed for eyecare by a specialized and global eyecare software company.
- Security Built-In
- OmniChannel
- User-Experience
- Business Intelligence Insights
Security Built-In
Acuitas 3 follows best-in-class data security practices to ensure your data remains secure and compliant with regulatory obligations.
ISO 27001:2017 Certified
SOC 2 Type ll Certified
GDPR Compliant

As a cloud-based online solution, Acuitas 3 is accessible anytime anywhere for a streamlined user journey. From a customizable home screen to an integrated payment solution, Acuitas 3 focuses on improving the eyecare journey for everyone.
Equipment Integrations
OcuPay Integrated Payments

Business Intelligence Insights
Build insightful reports powered by Microsoft's Power BI. Track multiple key performance metrics across your business in real-time to bolster performance and drive efficiency.
Powered by Microsoft
Customisable Reports
Improved Performance

Discover how Ocuco’s innovative software positively impacts the day-to-day running of an optical practice.
While you’re perfecting sight, we’re perfecting the technology that supports you

Seamlessly unite in-store and online appointment bookings in a single, centralised platform.

Clinical Records
Secure patient records powered by intuitive patient search and data validation.

NHS Vouchers
Complete management of GOS forms and payment reconciliation.

Integrated card payments for online and in-store sales, eliminating errors and facilitating refunds.

Eye Exams
Configurable workflows with tailored options based on a patients visit type

Recall & Marketing
Automated recalls and extensive marketing capabilities across multiple channels

Intuitive validated dispensing for reduced remakes and an elevated patient journey.

Power BI Reporting & Analytics
Customisable KPI tracking through dashboards complete with drill-down capabilities

Stock Management
Real-time management of inventory across the business, enhancing accuracy and cost efficiency

Synced product catalogues across online and in practice sales for a streamlined purchase experience.

Effortlessly integrate telecommunication appointments into your schedule within Acuitas 3.

Omnichannel Patient Overview
A single view of the patient, including interactions across all channels, online or in practice.

Omnichannel Business Overview
Centralised view of business activity across online and in-store from revenue to stock and beyond.

Integration with clinical equipment, enabling retrieval of multiple readings within a single click.

Support Hub
Localised technical support alongside Ocuco Academy online training resources at your fingertips.
What it Means for Your Practice

Acuitas 3 OmniChannel Edition is ISO-certified and GDPR and DPA compliant ensuring all data remains secure. An in-depth audit trail ensures high visibility and transparency throughout.

Patient Care
Patients can choose from a wider range of options when interacting with your business e.g. in-store eye exam, remote consultation, or online purchasing.

Retain a single view of practice performance and processes in real-time for informed decision-making and centralised processes.

As a cloud-based platform, Acuitas 3 OmniChannel Edition is accessible on any device, anytime, anywhere, adapting to the needs of your business as you continue to grow.

Improve productivity and transparency through automation of processes throughout your practice.

As an omnichannel solution, Acuitas 3 allows you to excel, ensuring your business is best placed to meet patient needs and generate revenue at each stage of the eyecare journey.
As an omnichannel eyecare software Acuitas 3 provides a single source of information across your eyecare business, removing the need for multiple systems.
Your online bookings, website, clinical records, patient communication and much more are integrated to provide your eyecare practice with greater clarity and control.
As a modular omnichannel application, Acuitas 3 allows you to expand on existing eyecare software functionality as your optical business grows, e.g. adding the advanced CRM module for enhanced patient communication capabilities. Software is not one size fits all, Acuitas 3 evolves with your business.
Our adept team combines eyecare technology expertise with optical domain knowledge to ensure your practice is supported from day one.
Ocuco’s Academy eLearning solution offers interactive real-life simulations and training resources for staff as well as performance visibility to track progress and identify knowledge gaps.

Latest updates about Ocuco, including product releases, best practice tips, and upcoming events.

Ocuco’s blog features posts from Subject Matter Experts across Optometry Technology, eCommerce and more.