These talented women were chosen for their amazing career achievements and their commitment to the OWA’s goals of Connecting, Inspiring and Leading women in the optical industry, according to an announcement from the organization.
"These talented women were chosen for their amazing career achievements and their commitment to the OWA's goals of Connecting, Inspiring and Leading women in the optical industry."
The new executive committee is: president, Heather Smith, VisionWeb; immediate past president, Christie Walker, LabTalk; vice president, Tiara Claxton, sales manager at Safilo; secretary/treasurer, Jean Sabre, owner, Uptown Vision in Minneapolis.
“Our new board members bring with them talent and enthusiasm for the OWA and its mission. We both welcome our new members and thank the four board members who are stepping down off the board,” said Christie Walker, outgoing president of the OWA. “I know our new president, Heather Smith, and the board, will do an amazing job of leading this group of professional women in bringing the OWA to new heights.”
After fulfilling their terms, the following board members are stepping down: Ann Englert, Debbie Forstenzer, Liz Segre and Barbara Wagner. These women have been highly instrumental in elevating the OWA to new heights with their significant contributions, enthusiasm and achievements. During their time on the board, they have showed tremendous commitment to the OWA’s goals of Connecting, Inspiring and Leading women in the optical industry. The Optical Women’s Association is a non-profit organization founded in September of 1997 with the mission of supporting and promoting the professional development of women in the optical industry. Projects and programs include the Connection Series Events, the Star Mentoring, and Webinars, which provide women in the optical industry with personal and professional growth opportunities; networking events at both Vision Expo East and West; and the annual Pleiades award, which recognizes and honors individuals who have made a significant difference for women in the optical industry.
Author, Heather Smith. (2015, September). OWA Board Appoints Six New Directors, Names Executive Committee. Magazine Vision Monday, (September 17, 2015),