You will also get the latest on upcoming trade shows, news, company information, and our all new blog. Anyone wishing to review our solutions can book a one-to-one demonstration, or arrange an appointment with us at one of the major trade shows, right now on the website.
The structure of the website has also been improved to allow our independent, chain enterprise, and lens manufacturing lab customers to identify the sections most relevant to them and find the information they need quickly. The updated website has a responsive design and updated navigation, allowing it to be comfortably viewed for both mobile and desktop versions.
The Canadian market continues to be a key contributor to Ocuco’s success. It’s the home of three of our office in Vancouver and Toronto, housing 30 staff; a foothold that has unlocked all of North America for our optical retail, EHR and lab software solutions. It was vitally important that we have a first-rate web presence to support and inform our customers in Canada. – Leo Mac Canna, Ocuco CEO and Founder.